vanillic acid

  • n.香草(兰)酸;4-羟基-3甲氧基苯甲酸
vanillic acidvanillic acid
  1. The Inhibitory Effect of Vanillic Acid on Tyrosinase Activity


  2. Study on synthesis of glycosyl esters of vanillic acid


  3. Vanillic acid is the third monomer suitable for modifying PHB / PET binary copolyester .


  4. Root , stem , leaf contained some kinds of phenolic acids such as p-coumaric acid , ferulic acid , vanillic acid and stem and leaf contained cinnamic acid .


  5. The results show that PHB / PET / VA ter-polyester with vanillic acid has faster copolycondensation rate , lower melting temperature , typical thermotropic liquid crystallinity and better spinnability .


  6. The phenolic acids used were vanillic acid , vanillin and P-hydroxy benzoic acids for studying the effects of phenolic acids on the growth and activities of protective enzymes of muskmelon .


  7. Frontal analysis was performed to determine the adsorptive capacity of four drugs paeonol , ferulic acid , chlorogenic acid and vanillic acid on HSA column . The experiment data were analysed by using one-site model , two-site model and double-reciprocal frontal analysis plot respectively .


  8. The conditions of TLC were : the 2.5 % silver nitrate folium , developer agent : cyclohexane-ethyl acetate-acetone ( 8 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 ); Developer : the solution of 5 % vanillic aldehyde-concentrated sulfuric acid , displaying color in 105 ℃ .
